Resilience & Self Esteem


CARES Programs & Resources

CARES Program with Dr. Chris Bogart, Ph.D

Learn about two critical life skills for wellness, parenting styles, and tips for promoting wellness in your home. 

Additional Resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics

It’s not possible to protect our children from the ups and downs of life. Raising resilient children, however, is possible and can provide them with the tools they need to respond to the challenges of adolescence and young adulthood and to navigate successfully in adulthood.

Big Life Journal

Positive thinking is important because it broadens your sense of possibility and opens your mind, allowing you to build new skills. Positive thinking broadens and builds. It also makes children (and adults) more resilient.

Today's Parent

There are better ways to build self-esteem than heaping on praise for everything kids do—starting with helping them become competent in the world.

A Fine Parent

On their journey to self-discovery and learning to be comfortable in their own skin, our children actively seek our acceptance and validation.

Silver Hill Hospital

Why Mindfulness? Mindfulness mitigates the effects of bullying, enhances focus in children with ADHD, reduces attention problems, improves mental health and well-being, and improves social skills.

Silver Hill Hospital

Building resilience — the ability to adapt well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress — can help our children manage stress and feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.

Silver Hill Hospital

Learned early, social-emotional skills can help children overcome challenges, avoid unhealthy behavior, improving a variety of outcomes for adulthood. Studies show that social-emotional skills can lead to better education, employment, physical and mental health, and fewer problems with substance abuse, antisocial behavior, or relationships.