
Saxe Middle School

Learn why the tween years are the most important developmentally.

Free Range Kids with Lenore Skenazy

Saxe Middle School

Free Range Kids Wednesday, September 14th at 7:00 PM, Saxe Middle School Auditorium  After her newspaper column “Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone” landed her on NPR, Fox News, and everywhere in between, Lenore wrote Free-Range Kids, the book-turned-movement. She has been profiled in The New Yorker, hosted the reality show “World’s […]

Understanding Adolescent Anxiety

Saxe Middle School

Saxe PTC Meeting Unravel the mystique of adolescent anxiety. Dr. Bogart will walk us through identifying what is healthy and motivating, knowing when to step back, and recognizing when to seek help. Register Here

Teaching Kids About Alcohol

Saxe Middle School

In partnership with Human Services, Silver Hill Hospital & RAM Council with Dr. Rob Turrisi, Prevention Research Center: Penn State University What do we teach our kids, when do we teach them, and why?  Dr. Turrisi will use his research and recent study to answer these questions.  He will also provide practical tips for implementing […]

Generation Vape: From Mods To Pods

Saxe Middle School

Recommended for adults and children ages 10+ Via ZOOM  Presented by Culture of Change This interactive and engaging evening will explore trends in youth vaping, from the introduction of electronic cigarettes to the social media influence of disposables. Participants will learn about youth vaping abuse, paraphernalia, accessibility, concealment, and how to talk to your young […]